Posts tagged: pro-marriage

Keeping up with the Crawfords (Illinois Family Spotlight #012)

il_family-spotlight_125x125Drs. Hiram and Jaronda Crawford visited Illinois Family Action earlier this week and were kind enough to join Dave and Monte on a special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight.  The Crawfords discuss the upcoming election and their recent efforts to promote pro-life policies and values in Chicago.

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Keeping up with the Crawfords (Illinois Family Spotlight #012)
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“Here’s What You Ought to Do” said the Fox to the Chicken

Written by Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

Scores of commentators have been rehashing the results of the November 6th election and advising the GOP on what it ought to do.  Let me say this to Republicans: only a party of fools would now take advice from the same media establishment that worked around the clock to ensure your defeat.  Instead of listening to the “talking heads” appearing on TV, both Republicans and Democrats would be wise to look at some amazing voter data from some truly large voting blocs. … Continue Reading