Posts tagged: Das Kapital

Voters Must Choose Between Revelation or Revolution This Election Year

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Eric Voegelin was born in 1901. In 1919, he enrolled in the University of Vienna. He studied Karl Marx, read “Das Kapital” and embraced Marxism. However, as he watched the Bolshevik Revolution’s bloodlust play itself out in the streets of Russia, Voegelin concluded he was wrong. Therefore, he abandoned socialism and its assumptions of race and class conflict and became a member of the Austrian economics clan.

In addition to having a first-hand account of the ways of Vladimir Lenin, Voegelin also had a front-row seat to the rise of Adolf Hitler.… Continue Reading

They Are NOT Liberals


Written by James Lewis

Today’s self-proclaimed “liberals” would have no truck with the real John F. Kennedy, or LBJ, or Harry S. Truman, or Daniel Patrick Moynihan, or other patriotic liberals. If the phrase “patriotic liberal” has an odd clang today, you know exactly what I mean.

Barack Obama, for whatever talents he may possess, is not an American patriot. Try saying “The patriotic Obamas” and then try not to cringe. … Continue Reading