IFA Endorsed Candidates

Before you vote, make sure you know where the candidates stand. Illinois Family Action-endorsed candidates support a pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family policies.

We urge you to support these pro-family candidates for public service in Illinois.

Illinois Family Action

Endorsed Candidates

2010 General Election

Illinois State Constitutional Officers

Governor: Bill Brady

Lt. Governor: Jason Plummer

Attorney General:  Steve Kim

State Senate Candidates by District

22     Steve Rauschenberger

25     Chris Lauzen

40     Adam Baumgartner

51     Kyle McCarter

State House Candidates by District

19    David J. Anderson

36     Richard Grabowski

44     Billie D. Roth

54     Tom Morrison

59     Dan Surgru

63     John O’Neill

67     Robert E. Borkish, Jr.

69     Joe Sosnowski

71     Richard Morthland

87     Bill Mitchell

95     Mike Fortner

112   Dwight D. Kay

U.S. Congressional Candidates by District

1       Ray Wardingly

14     Randy Hultgren

2       Isaac Hayes

15     Tim Johnson

6       Peter Roskam

16     Don Manzullo

8       Joe Walsh

17     Bobby  Schilling

19     John Shimkus